Youâve probably come across a rat while visiting large cities or traveling on the subway, but what you may not realize is that these scavengers also dwell in suburbs and rural areas, and are even capable of thriving in human environments, as their secretive behavior helps the rodents remain unseen by humans. With any sort of rat infestation, treatment of the situation can be dangerous and calls for the attention of an expert. In North America, professionals tend to deal most commonly with The Norway rat and Roof Rat. Do you know the difference?
Removal - Exclusion:
Breeding peaks during the spring and fall, however breeding can take place throughout the year if conditions are suitable, with a female producing up to five litters a year. The gestation period is only 22 days, and litters can number up to 12. This means that the population can seem to explode very quickly. The maximum life span of a rat is three years.
This is a picture of rat exclusion work being performed. The mat, in the picture, will eliminate rat burrowing on your property. Burrowing rats are rats that dig burrows and tunnels to live in and store food. These burrows are often found near the foundations of your home (or foundation), in overgrown areas or under piles of garbage. These mats can be installed before or after rats are found and will put an end to the burrowing.

Rat exclusion work in Boston. Keep the rats off your patio!

Rat size
Stories of rats attaining sizes as big as cats are exaggerations, or misidentifications of larger rodents, such as the muskrat. It is common for breeding wild brown rats to weigh 11 oz to 16 oz. The heaviest live brown rat on record is 29 oz and they can reach a maximum length of 19 inches.
Proactive steps to eliminate rats
Harass the rats!
If you are currently having a RAT problem, remember "harass the rats!" To keep the rats uncomfortable, use good sanitation. Poor sanitation is sure to attract them and will permit them to thrive in greater numbers. Pull your stove away from the wall annually to clean the floor and the sides of the stove. You will be surprised what you find back there! Do the same with your refrigerator. You also want to pay particular attention to eliminating places where rats can find shelter inside and outside of your home. Inside the home, keep the basement free of excess clutter, as with the entire house. If you have a garage, keep it clean. If you donât need it lose it! Eliminating hiding places will eliminate places for the rats to build nests and rear their young.
Outside places: remove debris piles, grass clippings and tree falls. Keep the perimeter around your home clean, push back the landscaping. Remove easy access to food, keep trash cans covered, if you feed birds keep the feeders away from the home.
You want to create an unwelcoming place for the rats to take up residence âHARASS THE RATSâ!