There are over 3500 species of cockroaches worldwide, with about 70 species in the USA.

Cockroaches can be one of the most difficult pests to control. German cockroaches in particular are one of the most commonly encountered household pests in much of the USA, and the number one cock roach we treat here at Squared Away Pest Control. We also run into American roaches and oriental roaches.
German cockroach:
The German cockroach is the most common cockroach in houses, apartments, restaurants, hotels and other places in our area. Adult German roaches are ½ to 5/8 inch long with well developed wings (but never fly.) The German roach nymphs resemble the adult but are considerably smaller. One of the reasons the German roach is so successful is that the female roach keeps her egg capsule attached to her abdomen until the egg capsule is ready to hatch. Then she will deposit that egg capsule next to a food source which will increase the chances of these nymphs making it to adulthood. Each egg capsule has 30 to 48 eggs!
Roaches are mostly active at night. They hide in dark, protected areas during the day. If you see roaches during the day, the population is probably so large that available hiding spots are full, or the food and moisture are in such short supply that day time forging is necessary. These roaches usually hide in areas close to food and moisture, which means they are normally in kitchens or bathrooms.
If you see roaches in your home, don’t ignore them, they reproduce quickly! Be aware that many over the counter products for roaches are repellents. If you use them, it may scatter the roaches to other areas in the home/building and make eradication more difficult. If you are having a problem with roaches, give us a call, we can help!