While snakes vary in species, size, color, eating habits, habitats, and nearly all aspects of their life cycle, these reptiles do have one thing in common. All snakes swallow their prey whole. Thankfully, a snake’s ideal habitat is away from humans, in the great outdoors, but there have been nightmare cases of snake infestations in the home. In any circumstance involving the removal of one or more snakes, it’s important to understand how to handle the situation safely.


The long, limbless reptiles can be quite dangerous, but there are some steps home and business owners can take on their own to help prevent a snake infestation. For example, by modifying your land to resemble less of the snake’s preferred environment, the creatures will be less drawn to your property. This means removing wood piles, debris, high grass, and overgrown vegetation. Another way to protect yourself is to seal all openings leading into the building.


When snake infestations do occur, it’s usually because it is a convenient place to hunt nearby food. Also, snakes will move into attics, walls, or crawlspaces to den up for the winter, and when this happens, it can be in very large numbers, often without humans realizing the situation. For example, a rattle snake’s den will contain over 50 snakes tucked away for the winter, but each of these creatures will prove very shocking for the property owners come spring. Snakes can be incredibly dangerous, and should be left to the pest control professional or a wildlife technician.

These are a few things to keep in mind during the panic of spotting a snake on your property:


Do not attempt to remove the snake without help:

All snakes should be treated with respect and left alone, regardless of whether or not they are venomous. Contact an expert ASAP.


Be mindful of the actions of everyone/thing in the house:

Keep children and pets away from the area until a professional has come to capture the snake.


Prevent escape:

Try to enclose the snake in one room.