Why should I get the wasps nest removed from my yard?
Like bees, wasps are a very important part of nature and the ecosystem. They not only pollinate our flowers and food crops, but wasps also regulate populations of crop pests such as caterpillars and whiteflies, contributing to global food security. Because wasps feed these crop pests to their young, they are considered predators. Paper wasps and yellow jackets are the most common wasps in New England, but worldwide 4,000 types have been discovered.
Although wasps are an essential part of the environment, they are not a welcome guest to residential homes. Wasps often make a sheltered nest with dead wood and plant stems in places like under your deck, in your garage, or a tree in your backyard. Wasps are fiercely territorial and will attack anyone near the nest. Their stings can cause anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, and can be quite dangerous to allergic individuals. Wasps prefer to be out in warm temperatures, which means they are most active in the daytime.
Don’t let wasps keep you from enjoying the outdoors. Let the industry professionals take care of your pest issues, call Squared Away Pest Control!
What are earwigs?
While earwigs prefer to live in moist soil, feeding on dead or live vegetation, these creatures can occasionally wander indoors, and have been known to infest various areas of a home. Unlike many other insect species, earwigs are not social critters, so their means of survival does not depend on a colony or nest. However, handling an infestation can be challenging and frightening, as the earwig is quite intimidating in appearance.
With earwigs being primarily outdoor insects, only sometimes making their way inside, you may be wondering how these insects manage to enter. They occasionally become annoying to humans, as they are attracted to light and are often spotted on porches or patios during summer nights. In some instances, earwigs move into homes to find food or because of a change in weather.
Home and business owners dealing with an earwig infestation are likely to find these pests in areas of the premises located near water, but the bugs will continue to every corner of the property. A few precautionary steps to avoid this situation is to move organic materials, such as logs and firewood, away from the structure. Also, arrange irrigation systems to water in the morning, allowing the landscape to dry during the day, and consider using yellow bulbs, since white lights are more attractive to insects. Finally, get in touch with a pest control professional regarding any questions or to take action against an earwig infestation, as these creatures can and do maneuver their way into households.