How to get rid of bedbugs?
It may be every vacationer’s worst nightmare, but bed bugs are not a threat solely to travelers, as these parasitic insects can also be picked up at movie theaters, retail stores, public libraries, and other common locations. Once in your home, bed bugs can be painful emotional & physical nuisances and almost impossible to eradicate on your own. Bed bugs will use their sharp proboscises, or beaks, to break through human skin and consume blood. The adult bed bug is about the size of an apple seed, and the youngest nymphs (babies) can be the size of a speck of dirt. The unfed nymphs are light-colored, whereas a bed bug that has fed will be red, rust, or brown in color.
Historically, people’s whose homes become infested with bedbugs experience a significant psychological toll, and can have trouble sleeping at night due to the fear of being bitten. It’s important to note that these creatures do not discriminate between invading clean or dirty homes, as often believed.
Eliminating a bedbug infestation is difficult, and it’s necessary to contact a professional to thoroughly handle the matter, ensuring the problem does not persist.